Slug pedal front view

Slug manual


SLUG is an extreme, heavily-gated fuzz pedal capable of generating everything from walls of rumbling doom to weird “boink” noises. Users seeking subtle or polite sounds should look elsewhere; some settings veer into unpleasant or unusable territories.

SLUG is handcrafted in Seattle, WA.


The controls on SLUG are very interactive and interdependent. Changing one control setting will affect the function of the other controls.


Controls overall output level.


Attenuates input level. Please note: lower settings may not pass any signal at all. Increase input level to begin making noise again. We suggest keeping this control turned up for use with instrument-level signals, like guitars.


Controls amount and type of fuzz. Also influences the gating effect of SLUG.


Blends between filter sections to sculpt your sound.


Changes function of SLUG from slightly gated, to heavily gated.


Toggles between two levels of gating, one very extreme, the other more permissive. Most noticeable with SUSTAIN switched off.


Changes the level of filtering controlled by the BALANCE knob.


¼” mono input jack.


¼” mono output jack.


Power input jack. Industry standard center-negative 2.1mm barrel plug. DC9V ONLY. Do not attempt to run at higher voltages. SLUG only requires a few mA of current to run. We recommend using only high-quality isolated power supplies designed for effects pedals, and to avoid daisy-chaining effects for quietest operation.


LED status indicator. When lit, SLUG is active. When not lit, SLUG is bypassed. SLUG features true-bypass switching.


SLUG uses an odd number of transistor gain stages, and therefore flips the phase of the output signal 180°. This will not affect operation unless attempting parallel processing. Producers using SLUG as an insert may wish to flip the send or return by 180° to avoid phase cancellation.